This local event is organized for the community by Newsong Fellowship. But this 6K is just one of many World Vision Global 6K for Water host sites all over the world! In 2023, participants worldwide raised over $1.9 million to bring clean water to over 38,000 people.

We would be thrilled to partner with your church, community group, non-profit, etc to invite even more people to participate in this 6K host site! No obligation of funding/planning necessary- we’d even be happy to supply you with promotional material and send a representative to cast the 6K vision to your group. If you’d like to learn more, please contact us.



Clean water efforts

Since the church’s inception in 2005, Newsong Fellowship has expressed its heart to care for others in part by providing clean water in the developing world. In 2008, NF founded Project Restore, a non-profit created to involve the broader community (no matter their religious belief) in humanitarian efforts. Over the span of several years, NF/Project Restore engaged the community in a variety of ways, including hosting their own Walk for Water for three consecutive years. During the Walk for Water, the participants would carry empty water vessels to a water source, fill them and return to the starting location while carrying the weight of water. The Walks for Water (and other fundraising events) yielded over $30,000 that NF/Project Restore used to repair well pumps in Uganda, gather water in holding tanks, and provide medical supplies and mosquito nets. More recently, in 2018 NF partnered with World Vision to host its first Team World Vision Global 6K for Water site, and provided a lifetime of clean water to over 150 people. Since then, we’ve had over 600 participants join us in-person, all-virtual, and hybrid-virtual and we celebrate over $36,000 raised and clean water provided to over 800 folks!